Cheers Pablo, Woodbury, MN

Event Signup

Home : Event Signup

Pink Winter

CoonRapids Location
$38.16 Per Seat

Cheers! Please enter your name and credit card information below.

Cheers Pablo does not provide refunds for any registrations or events without a 30-day written notice prior to the event. To receive a refund, please send a written cancellation notice to the address of the class location.

* - Denotes Required Field
First Name:
Last Name:
Verify Email:
Address (cont):
Number of Seats You Are Purchasing:
Cost Per Seat:
Coupon/Voucher Code:

How to apply more than one coupon:

A. Select number of seats for that code. Example: CP12345 = 1 seat. 1GPabcde = 1 seat. 2GPabcde = 2 seats.
B. Put in the first code and apply.
C. Go to the bottom of the page, press submit.
D. Press the back button.
E. Repeat A-D for the next code.
Gift Certificate:
Gift Card Number:
Group Name:
(ex: Whitney's Birthday)
(If registering for a Wood or Painters Choice class, please enter the name of the desired painting)
Credit Card Number:
CC Logos
Credit Card Expiration:
IMPORTANT! Clicking SUBMIT communicates with an off site server for the Credit Card transaction and will take a little time. Please DO NOT hit REFRESH or SUBMIT again, as this may result in duplicate Credit Card transactions. Thank You!