Cheers Pablo, Woodbury, MN

Event Signup

Home : Event Signup

Art Camp Painting

Weekly Rate 10am-2pm
Woodbury Location
$308 Per Seat
This is for the weekly Monday thru Friday.

Cheers! Please enter your name and credit card information below.

Cheers Pablo does not provide refunds for any registrations or events without a 30-day written notice prior to the event. To receive a refund, please send a written cancellation notice to the address of the class location.

* - Denotes Required Field
First Name:
Last Name:
Verify Email:
Address (cont):
Number of Seats You Are Purchasing:
Cost Per Seat:
Coupon/Voucher Code:

How to apply more than one coupon:

A. Select number of seats for that code. Example: CP12345 = 1 seat. 1GPabcde = 1 seat. 2GPabcde = 2 seats.
B. Put in the first code and apply.
C. Go to the bottom of the page, press submit.
D. Press the back button.
E. Repeat A-D for the next code.
Gift Certificate:
Gift Card Number:
Group Name:
(ex: Whitney's Birthday)
(If registering for a Wood or Painters Choice class, please enter the name of the desired painting)
Credit Card Number:
CC Logos
Credit Card Expiration:
IMPORTANT! Clicking SUBMIT communicates with an off site server for the Credit Card transaction and will take a little time. Please DO NOT hit REFRESH or SUBMIT again, as this may result in duplicate Credit Card transactions. Thank You!